CDARPO has 10 meetings per year. Monthly except July and August. The Annual Dinner Meeting in January and our Summer Outing in August enjoy a member discount. The meetings are educational with plenty of networking opportunities with landlords just like you.
The meeting format includes segments for: Problem Solving, Speak Up, plus presentations on subjects dear to the hearts of rental property owners and managers.
Because we are “Landlords Helping Landlords” members are encouraged to volunteer a couple of hours each month by participating in at least one of the many activities needed to keep CDARPO a strong and meaningful organization for the Landlording community.
MEMBERS: RENEW your membership by logging into your account and processing a PayPal payment using the links below or simply mail your check of $75.
PayPal option
Our membership will give you all of our membership privileges and your monthly newsletter will be emailed to you. This will be $75 for the year and you can start this membership by clicking the button below.
Pay by check option
JOIN by using the links below. If you are paying by check please click the link below and submit the form. Once you submit the registration form you can stop and then mail in your check of $75 for annual dues. We will review your application once we receive your check and at this time will send you and email with your password.
Mail check to:
CDARPO – Membership
PO Box 8
Latham, NY 12110
[button link=””] To join CDARPO click here[/button]