Troy has just completed a 2 1/2 day planning process, an integral part of the Troy Master Plan entitled Realize Troy City Summit. It was a locally-focused community-oriented path to urban revitalization. The idea was :
  – to meet each other,
  – celebrate each other,
  – learn from each other
  – to continue to build a Troy we all want to live in together.
All meetings were an initial orientation, followed by small group discussions on the topic of the session. This was followed by presentations by each group to the entire assembly.
We were encouraged to “think outside the box.” Our group was on the topic of transportation. We discussed all modes of transportation: bicycles, walking, baby strollers, wheelchairs, in addition to autos. In discussing Troy’s topography, flat along the river and downtown, and the steep hill up to the area of Rensselaer, the idea of a type of escalator to handle bicycles and wheelchairs was proposed to overcome this hill. I guess we really were thinking outside the box.